Saturday, July 7, 2012

People Mike Hates (Disclaimer: Mike doesn't hate anyone)

This was a popular post on our last vacation so I thought I would reinventit here. Remember Mike really doesnt hate. These people really annoy him though. No I mean really annoy's almost like hate. 1. Pretentious People. The Viceroy in Anguilla would have been perfect for him except for these people. Next time you see him ask him to do his "I just closed a billion dollar deal" impression. 2. People who drive slow. Also in this category are people who don't pass people who drive slow. Mike did qualify this by saying he is OK with people who drive slow for a reason. I personally had trouble believing that. 3. The surfer activities guy at our Timeshare. I also hated him because he knew noting about any activities. Nothing. Which really makes him bad at his job. 4. People who walk out into oncoming traffic and put their hand out like they own the road. This was such a wierd experience but it happened everywhere and over and over. What is the phenomenon and why do they not have more pedestrian accidents? See point 2. 5. People in the service industry who don't know that they are in the service industry. We had some great service on this trip (namely at the Viceroy and the restaurants in Grand Case) but everywhere else people seemed to have a chip on their shoulder. Sorry that your island bases its success on tourism?

1 comment:

  1. Amen to hating pretentious people! Seriously, THE WORST.
